Withdrawal Instructions
SPICE DAO will be shutting off frontend hosting for Spice Finance starting January 20th, 2025. We highly recommend withdrawing before January 20th, 2025. Withdrawals from Spice Finance contract's is permission-less and can be performed without the use of a frontend. Please read below for instructions on how to withdraw.
There are four vaults that you may have deposited ETH in:
Prologue Vault
Leverage Vault
Flagship Vault
If you are struggling with the following etherscan instructions, please feel free to reach out to SPICE DAO using the resources in:Support / Contact Info
Withdrawing from Prologue:
Navigate to Etherscan: https://etherscan.io/address/0x6110d61dd1133b0f845f1025d6678cd22a11a2fe#writeProxyContract
Click the connect to web3 button at the top of the list of functions and make sure you connect the wallet that holds your Prologue NFT.
Go to #30 (withdraw) and fill in the following:
id - id of your Prologue NFT
You can find the id of your NFT using OpenSea: https://opensea.io/
The id will be a number ranging from 1 - 555
assets - the amount you want to withdraw (denominated in wei)
If you want to calculate the maximum wei you can withdraw:
In #39. Type in your NFT id (fetched from OpenSea in 3a) and click "Query"
Multiply the output by the number in #41 and divide by the number in #42
Example (using 97 as the NFT id):
4448219620497531 * 30416870534398666105 / 16551102534304358 = 8174737605837208856
Round this number down. It represents your ETH balance in wei.
8174737605837208856 -> 8174700000000000000
8174700000000000000 wei = around 8.17 ETH
receiver - the wallet address that holds the Prologue NFT
Click write.
Full example:
Withdrawing from Flagship:
Navigate to Etherscan:
Read as Proxy: https://etherscan.io/address/0xae11ae7cad244dd1d321ff2989543bcd8a6db6df#readProxyContract
Type in your address in #26 and click 'Query' to see what is the maximum wei you can withdraw
Navigate to Write as Proxy on Etherscan: https://etherscan.io/address/0xae11ae7cad244dd1d321ff2989543bcd8a6db6df#writeProxyContract
Click the connect to web3 button at the top of the list of functions and make sure you connect the wallet that holds your Flagship Position.
Go to #30 (withdrawETH) and fill in the following:
assets - amount you want to withdraw (in wei). Fetched in 1ai. Recommended that you round down.
receiver - the address of the wallet you have connected
owner - the address of the wallet you have connected
Withdrawing from Leverage:
Navigate to Etherscan:
Read as Proxy: https://etherscan.io/address/0xd68871bd7d28572860b2e0ee5c713b64445104f9#readProxyContract
Type in your address in #33 and click 'Query' to see what is the maximum wei you can withdraw
Navigate to Write as Proxy on Etherscan: https://etherscan.io/address/0xd68871bd7d28572860b2e0ee5c713b64445104f9#writeProxyContract
Click the connect to web3 button at the top of the list of functions and make sure you connect the wallet that holds your Leverage Position.
Go to #32 (withdrawETH) and fill in the following:
assets - amount you want to withdraw (in wei). Fetched in 1ai. Recommended that you round down.
receiver - the address of the wallet you have connected
owner - the address of the wallet you have connected

Withdrawing from SP-BLUR Vault:
Navigate to Etherscan:
Read as Proxy: https://etherscan.io/address/0xfC287513E2DD58fbf952eB0ED05D511591a6215B#readProxyContract
Type in your address in #17 and click 'Query' to see what is the maximum wei you can withdraw
Navigate to Write as Proxy on Etherscan: https://etherscan.io/address/0xfC287513E2DD58fbf952eB0ED05D511591a6215B#writeProxyContract
Click the connect to web3 button at the top of the list of functions and make sure you connect the wallet that holds your SP-BLUR Position.
Go to #18 (withdrawETH) and fill in the following:
assets - amount you want to withdraw (in wei). Fetched in 1ai. Recommended that you round down.
receiver - the address of the wallet you have connected
owner - the address of the wallet you have connected
Last updated